Data collection for study: February 2018 Publication date: tbc.
To identify and explore avoidable and remediable factors in the process of care for patients diagnosed with pulmonary embolism.
To examine organisational structures, processes, protocols and care pathways in hospitals from pre-admission through to discharge or death
To identify avoidable and remediable factors in the management of patients diagnosed with pulmonary embolism focusing on the following areas of care:
risk assessment and prevention of venous thrombo-embolism
gap between those risk assessed to need anticoagulation, and those who actually receive it
availability and quality of diagnostic assessment, particularly CT scan of lungs (CTPA) 24/7
risk stratification and treatment of PE with the appropriate selection for, and application of, ambulatory and in hospital care
management, follow up and care, including information sharing on future complications
identification and management of patients at high risk of death, complications and late morbidity (eg. secondary pulmonary hypertension) and recurrence.
assessment of possible unnecessary interventions, including temporary IVC filters
Study population:
All adult patients (aged 16 and older) that were diagnosed with pulmonary embolism (ICD10 codes I26.0 and I26.9) between 1st July 2017 and 31st August 2017 inclusive.
Data collection:
Patient identifier spreadsheets will be disseminated in March 2017. The spreadsheet can be downloaded from the Download Links section on the left.