Once study questionnaires are allocated to a Trust/Health Board, the Local Reporter will be notified via email that assignments are waiting to be disseminated to the relevant clinicians/persons. To disseminate an assignment, the relevant clinician/person’s email address needs to be populated in the field next to the questionnaire. An email will then be sent to the clinician/person who has been assigned the questionnaire with a link to a digital copy of the questionnaire.
Local Reporters can monitor the progress made by the assigned clinicians completing the questionnaires using the online system.
When logging onto the system, under the “clinical questionnaires” tab is a dashboard summary of the outstanding questionnaires. Selecting a study topic will open a list of all the questionnaire assignments that have been allocated for completion within the Trust/ Health board. From here, it is possible to invite clinicians to complete the questionnaire, send reminders or revoke their invitation.
Additionally, once the relevant copies of case note extracts have been obtained, copied and returned to NCEPOD, it is possible here to indicate that notes have been returned and the medium by which this has happened i.e.: by post, secure email. Upon receipt of the notes by NCEPOD, the case note status will be updated to reflect this.