Medical/Surgical Child Health Programme Body part/disease/procedure Study/report name Published article
Medical Cancer Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy; For Better, For Worse? (2008) Shotton H, Butt A, Michalski A, Goodwin A. Care provided to young patients receiving systemic anticancer therapy. Br J Hosp Med 2019; 80 (11): 630–1.
Medical Gastrointestinal

Parenteral Nutrition; A Mixed Bag (2010)

Burch NE, Stewart J, Smith N. Inappropriate line use within the in-patient parenteral nutrition population: frequency & usage. Gut 2011; 2021; 00: 1-7. 10.1136/gut.2011.239301.197
Mason DG, Puntis JWL, McCormick K, Smith N. Parenteral nutrition for neonates and children: a mixed bag. Arch Dis Child 2011;96209–10.
Stewart J. The provision of parenteral nutrition: it’s not in the bag. Br J Hosp Med 2010;71(7): 364-5.
Medical Heart

In-Hospital Care of Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests; ‘Time Matters’ (2021)

McPherson SJ, Juniper M, Smith N. Frailty is a better predictor than age for shockable rhythm and survival in Out-of-Hospital cardiac arrest in over 16-year-olds. Resuscitation Plus 2023; 16:100456.
Smith N, Koomson D, McPherson S, Juniper M. Time matters: reviewing the care provided to patients admitted to hospital following an out-of-hospital cardiac arrestBr J Hosp Med 2022;(2) 1-4.
Medical Heart

Acute Heart Failure; Failure To Function (2018)

Koomson D, Protopapa KL, Juniper MC, Smith NC. Failure to function: a review into acute heart failure inpatient deaths. Br J Card Nurs14(10): 1–5.
Protopapa K, Juniper M, Koomson D, Smith N. Failure to function: a report on acute heart failure. Br J Hosp Med 2019;80(7): 366–7.
Medical Heart

Cardiac Arrest Procedures; Time To Intervene? (2012)

Shotton H, Findlay G. Time to intervene: patients who had an in-hospital cardiorespiratory arrest. Br J Hosp Med2012; 73(10): 546–7.
Medical Kidney

Acute Kidney Injury; Adding Insult To Injury (2009)

Stewart J. Adding insult to injury: care of patients with acute kidney injury.Br J Hosp Med2009; 30(3): 372–3.
Medical Liver

Alcohol Related Liver Disease; Measuring The Units (2013

Allison ME, Verne J, Bernal W, et al. Deaths from alcohol-related liver disease in the UK: An escalating tragedy.The Lancet2023; 401:418–20.
Smith N, Juniper M. Measuring the units: improving care of patients with alcohol-related liver disease. Br J Hosp Med 2013; 74(10): 546–7.
Medical Yes Lungs

Long Term Ventilation; Balancing the Pressures (2020)

Wilkinson K, Freeth H, Mahoney N, Iles R, Juniper M. Trends in long-term ventilation care in U.K. children and young people—further consideration required for Pediatric Critical Care Services.Pediatr Crit Care Med2023;
Freeth H, Mahoney N, Juniper M, Moses R, Wilkinson K. Balancing the pressures: a review of the quality of care provided to children and young people aged 0–24 years who were receiving long-term ventilation. Br J Hosp Med 2020;81(9): 1–4.
Medical Lungs

Pulmonary Embolism; Know the Score (2019)

Koomson D, Smith N, McPherson S, Srivastava V. Know the score: management of patients with a new diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism.Br J Hosp Med2020;81: (11):1-4.

Medical Lungs

Acute Non-Invasive Ventilation; Inspiring Change (2017)

Davies MG, Juniper MC. Lessons learnt from the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death: Acute non-invasive ventilation. Thorax 2018;73: : 904–7.
Juniper M, Ellis G, Protopapa K, Smith N. Inspiring Change: a report on acute non-invasive ventilation. Br J Hosp Med 2017;78(9): 497–502.
Medical Yes Mental health

Mental Healthcare In Young People And Young Adults (2019)

Freeth H, Wood S, Allsopp M, Wilkinson K. Improving the quality of hospital care provided to people aged 11–25 years with a mental health condition.. Br J Hosp Med 2020;81: (8):1–4.
Medical Mental/Physical health

A Picture of Health?
A review of the quality of physical healthcare provided to adult patients admitted to a mental health inpatient setting (2022)

Koomson D, Shotton H, Docherty M, Srivastava V. A picture of health? The quality of physical healthcare provided to adult patients admitted to a mental health inpatient setting.Br J Hosp Med2024;85: (3):1–4.
Medical Neurological

Epilepsy; ‘Disordered Activity’ (2022)

Mahoney N, Smith N, Michalski, Sinclair M. Disordered activity? A review of the quality of epilepsy care provided to adults presenting to hospital with a seizure.. Br J Hosp Med 2023;84: :(10):1-4.
Medical Neurological

Dysphagia in Parkinson’s Disease; Hard To Swallow (2021)

Koomson D, Freeth H, Goodwin A, Srivastava V. Hard to swallow? A review into dysphagia care in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Br J Hosp Med 2023;84: (2): 1-4.
Medical Yes Neurological

Chronic Neurodisability; Each And Every Need (2018)

Horridge K. Variation in health care for children and young people with a disability.Dev Med Child Neurol 2018;60: 731–731.
Medical Pancreas

Acute Pancreatitis; Treat The Cause (2016)

Barrie J, Jamdar S, Smith N, McPherson SJ, Siriwardena AK, O’Reilly DA. Mis-use of antibiotics in acute pancreatitis: Insights from the United Kingdom’s National Confidential Enquiry into patient outcome and death (NCEPOD) survey of acute pancreatitis. Pancreatology2018;18: 721–6.
O’Reilly D, McPherson S, Sinclair M, Smith N. ‘Treat the Cause’: the NCEPOD report on acute pancreatitisBr J Hosp Med 2017;78: (1): 6–7.
Medical Yes Transition: child to adult healthcare

Transition From Child Into Adult Healthcare; ‘The Inbetweeners’ (2023)

Mahoney N, Freeth H, Michalski, A, Malbon K, Tavare A. The inbetweeners: a review of the transition from child into adult care for young people with chronic health conditions. Br. J. Health Care Manag 2024;85: (1): 1-4.
Mahoney N, Freeth H, Michalski A, Malbon K, Tavaré A. Reviewing the transition from child to adult care: considerations for managers. Br. J. Health Care Manag 2024;:1-4.
Surgical Autopsy

The Coroner's Autopsy; Do We Deserve Better? (2006)

Cooper H, Lucas S. Obesity and autopsy reports.Int J Obes2009;33: 181.
Cooper H, MAMS L, Lucas S, Martin IC. The Coroner’s Autopsy. The Final Say in Establishing Cause of Death? ? Medico-Legal Journal 2007;75: 114–8.
Surgical Diabetes Mellitus/surgery

Perioperative Diabetes; Highs And Lows (2018)

Butt A, Srivastava V, Sinclair M, Shotton H. Highs and lows: perioperative management of surgical patients with diabetes mellitusBr J Hosp Med2019;80: (10): 560–1.
Surgical Gastrointestinal Acute Bowel Obstruction; Delay In Transit (2020)


Koomson D, Shotton H, Abercrombie J, McPherson S.Making the cut? Reviewing the quality of surgical care in adults with Crohn’s disease.Br J Hosp Med 2024;85(6),1-4.
Sinclair M, Culkin A, Douds AC, Michalski A, Shotton H. Delay in Transit: selected recommendations from the NCEPOD report on acute bowel obstruction . Frontline Gastroenterology 2021; 0 1-7.
Shotton H, Kelly K, Sinclair M, Michalski A. Delay in transit: the NCEPOD review of care provided to patients with acute bowel obstruction.Br J Hosp Med 2021; 82(1): 1-1.

Surgical Gastrointestinal/ surgery

Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage; Time To Get Control? (2015)

Oakland K, Chadwick G, East JE, et al. Diagnosis and management of acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding: guidelines from the British Society of Gastroenterology. Gut2019;68: 776–89.
Sinclair M, Smith N. Improving the care of patients with gastrointestinal bleeding. Br J Hosp Med2016;776: 322–3.
Surgical High risk surgery/patients; mortality risk

Peri-Operative Care; Knowing The Risk (2011)

Protopapa K. Is there a place for the Surgical Outcome Risk Tool app in routine clinical practice? Br J Hosp Med 2016;77: (11): 612–3.
Protopapa KL, Simpson JC, Smith NCE, Moonesinghe SR. Development and validation of the Surgical Outcome Risk Tool (SORT).Br J Surg2014;101: : 1774–83.
Surgical Kidney/surgery

Acute Kidney Injury; Adding Insult To Injury (2009)

Prowle JR, Kam EPY, Ahmad T, Smith NCE, Protopapa K, Pearse RM. Preoperative renal dysfunction and mortality after non-cardiac surgery: Preoperative renal dysfunction and mortality after non-cardiac surgery.Br J Surg2016;103: 1316–25.
Surgical Lungs/trachea surgery

Tracheostomy Care; On The Right Trach? (2014)

Wilkinson KA, Freeth H, Martin IC. Are we ‘on the right trach?’ The National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death examines tracheostomy care.J Laryngol Otol 2015;129:  212–6.
Wilkinson K, Freeth H, Kelly K. ‘On the Right Trach?’ A review of the care received by patients who undergo tracheostomy.Br J Hosp Med2015;76(3): 163–5.
Surgical Surgery: children

Surgery In Children; Are We There Yet? (2011)

Mason DG, Shotton H, Wilkinson KA, et al. Children’s surgery: a national survey of consultant clinical practice. BMJ Open 2012;2: e001639.
Surgical Surgery: older adults

Elective & Emergency Surgery In The Elderly; An Age Old Problem (2010)

Wilkinson K. An age-old problem: care of older people undergoing surgery.Br J Hosp Med 2011;72: (3): 126-7. Wilkinson KA, Wilson H. Should physicians routinely be involved in the care of elderly surgical patients? Yes. BMJ2011;342.
Surgical Trauma/surgery

Trauma; Who Cares? (2007)

Cole E, Lecky F, West A, Smith N, Brohi K, Davenport R. The Impact of a Pan-regional Inclusive Trauma System on Quality of Care. Ann Surg2016;264: 188–94.
Smith NCE, Weyman D, Findlay G, et al The management of trauma victims in England and Wales: a study by the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death. Eur J Cardio-Thoracic2009;36:340–3.
Findlay G, Smith N, Weyman D. The quality of trauma care needs urgent improvement. Br J Hosp Med 2008;69(3): 184-5.

Mason M. ‘The NCEPOD Method’ – How the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death designs and delivers national clinical outcome review programmes. Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management2018;23: 35–45.
Goodwin APL, Wilkinson KA. Age cannot wither her? - NCEPOD at 30. Anaesthesia2018;73:931–4.