Audit Toolkits (Excel):
LLA toolkit
LLA toolkit (with charts)
We hope you find this useful and if you have any feedback please do contact us at Please can you advise your local audit department if you plan to undertake this audit, it is important that they are made aware of it for the benefit of demonstrating Trust/Board activity and also so that they are in a position to support you and endorse the activity for your benefit.

Summary Sheet (159Kb)

Diabetes Care (159Kb)

Self assessment checklist for trusts (Excel version only) (32Kb)

Slides (Pdf version only) (8.1Mb)

Afternoon speakers at the report launch were:
Mr Jonathan Beard , President - Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Dr Ketan Dhatariya, Consultant in Diabetes and Endocrinology - Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Imad Sedki, Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine - Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust

Dr Antony Johansen, Consultant Orthogeriatrician, University Hospital of Wales and Clinical Lead for National Hip Fracture Database (NHFD)

Report Launch audio file
Morning Session - (NCEPOD present report findings)

Audits of previous NCEPOD reports presented as posters
(The Adobe Acrobat reader is required which is free to download here)

Audit on the management of acute kidney injury
Mushambi T, Tansinda P
Kettering General Hospital

Are we assessing and documenting the mortality risk for patients undergoing major intestinal surgery?
Narwani V, O’Shea K, Lo M, Coffey N
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Norwich

Mortality within 30 days following systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT) - a review of all cases over a 4 year period in a tertiary cancer centre
Chow S, Khoja L, McGurk A, O’Hara C, Hasan
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester

Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) compliance audit 2014
Roberts S, Mackey K
Northern Ireland Western Health and Social Care Trust - Altnagelvin Hospital

A snapshot audit of tracheostomy care in a tertiary cancer centre
Berkeley RC, Gruber PC
The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

Airway before all else – the tracheostomy and laryngectomy safety project
Advani R, Stobbs N, Killick N, Walsh K, Kulbacki H, Cameron C, Pothula V, Kumar BN
Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust

Awake fibreoptic intubation – knowledge & experience audit
Gilbert A, Morewood T, O’Connor P
The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Peri- and post-operative management of the “high-risk” surgical patient - an audit of practice in a large district general hospital
Winslow L, Bridge L, Jeanrenaud P
Whiston Hospital, St Helen and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Tracheostomy insertion in Critical Care: are we on “the right trach”?
Bridge L, Winslow L, Jeanrenaud P
Whiston Hospital, St Helen and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Response to the NCEPOD report ‘Measuring the Units’ - a regional audit of the management of patients with decompensated liver disease
Dyson J, Hudson M, McPherson S
Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne

“Measuring the Units” need not be challenging - using NCEPOD criteria to improve the management of patients with alcohol-related liver disease in a district general hospital
Al Bakir I, Richards H, Papanikolaou M, Curtis S, Arasaretnam S, Shariff M
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Audit of documentation of surgical decision making in neonates
Smith CM, Roberts J
Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust

An NCEPOD based audit cycle assessing the impact of a surgical liaison service on the care of older people admitted under the care of the surgical team at the University Hospital of North Tees
Deane A, Hodson R
North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust

Report Podcast - audio file
An interview with Professor Mike Gough and Dr Mark Juniper, NCEPOD Clinicial Co-ordinators discussing the findings made in the report.
(N.B. - Please note the audio quality is slightly poor)

Study Questionnaires (2 Qs.)
Below are a list of questionnaires used in the study available for download. Click each to download as a pdf file.
Clinical Questionnaire
Organisational Questionnaire
Assessment Form (Draft only)