Clinician – I have received an email from: with a link to register my details and complete a questionnaire. What personal information of mine will be recorded and why is this necessary?
Your name and email address will be held by NCEPOD and Sunstone Technologies for the purpose of allowing you to log on to the system and to allow us to reset your password should you require to do so. Your name and email address will be held securely for duration of the study after which time it will be destroyed and never passed on to any third party. The content of the questionnaire will only be held by NCEPOD.
Clinician - What do I do if I have forgotten my password?
If you have forgotten your password, you can press the Password Reset button on the log in screen.
Clinician – The link to register to the online system in the email has expired, how do I get this re-sent to me?
You will need to contact the Local Reporter who sent you the request, they will be able to resend this to you.
Clinician - I have received an email to complete a questionnaire, but I was not the consultant that the patient was under the care of?
We recommend that the clinician contacts the Local Reporter to update them and also suggest the appropriate clinician. The Local Reporter will be able to then revoke the clinician questionnaire and then invite a new clinician.
Clinician – I have received an email to complete a questionnaire but I do not have the patient’s details, how do I get these?
Once you have registered and logged in, you should be able to see the case assigned to you. The first column will list the NCEPOD number assigned to the case and the patient’s hospital number. The next column will have the admission and discharge dates relating to the episode of care the form should be completed for.
Clinician – I have looked through the patient’s notes and they do not meet the study criteria, what should I do next?
Please contact the Local Reporter with a brief explanation as to why the patient should not be included in the study, the Local Reporter will then inform us and we will update our records, and the clinician should not complete the questionnaire.
Local Reporter – I have invited the clinician to complete a questionnaire but I’m not sure if they have received the automated email.
We suggest the Local Reporter contact the clinician at the time of sending them an invitation to ensure that the have received the email containing the registration link. Please also double check that you have typed in the correct spelling for the clinician’s email address.
Local reporter - How do I revoke a clinician questionnaire?
When you are signed into the application, under the Invitation subheading there should be a Revoke button, if you press this it means that the consultant will no longer be able to access the questionnaire. You can now invite the appropriate clinician to complete the questionnaire.
Local Reporter – I am not sure which clinician to send the questionnaire to, how do I find this information?
Depending on the study we will have requested that a specific clinician completes the questionnaire (for example – the admitting clinician, or the discharging clinician). This information should be available on the patient’s discharge summary or may require you to go through the patient’s notes.
Local Reporter - How do I remind the clinician to complete their online questionnaire?
Under the Invitation subheading there should be a Resend option, this will prompt the clinician with another email to register if they have not done so and complete the online questionnaire.
Local Reporter – How do I view whether the clinician I have invited has started completing the clinician questionnaire?
Once you have located the NCEPOD number for the relevant case on the system, the last column with a menu symbol shows the audit trail for this case. It will show multiple date entries relating to when the questionnaire was assigned by the Local Reporter to when the clinician has accessed and submitted the questionnaire.
The status column also shows how much (in percentage) of the questionnaire has been completed, otherwise it will show Not Started.
Local Reporter – The clinician has informed me the patient does not meet the study criteria, what should I do next?
Please contact the office on 0207 251 9060 with the NCEPOD number and the reason for exclusion, one of our team will then exclude the patient from the study. Alternatively you can email this information to the study specific email address.
Consultant- I received an email from: with a link to register my details and complete a questionnaire. What personal information of mine will be recorded and why is this necessary?
Your name and email address will be held by NCEPOD and Sunstone Technologies for the purpose of allowing you to log on to the system and to allow us to reset your password should you require to do so. Your name and email address will be held securely for duration of the study after which time it will be destroyed and never passed on to any third party. The content of the questionnaire will only be held by NCEPOD.
Clinician - I have received the link to complete a questionnaire, but I was not the consultant that the patient was under the care of?
Recommend that they contact local reporter but also contact the local reporter yourself. The local reporter will be able to then revoke the clinician questionnaire and then invite a new clinician.
Local reporter- how do I revoke a questionnaire?
On the screen where Initially send to local reporter –
When an invite was sent to a clinician and they can’t see the link.
Reset password