Authors A J G Gray MB BChir FRCA (Lead clinical co-ordinator) M Lansdown MCh FRCS (Clinical co-ordinator) C Hargraves BSc RGN DipHSM MBA (Chief executive) M Cullinane PhD (Project manager) C Tsang BSc (Research assistant) N Smith PhD (Clinical researcher) Published October 2005 by the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death Epworth House, 25 City Road, London EC1Y 1AA Tel: 020 7920 0999 Fax: 020 7920 0997 Email: info@ncepod.org.uk Website: www.ncepod.org.uk A company limited by guarantee – Company number 3019382 Registered charity number 1075588 Designed and produced by Interface, Bristol. Tel: 0117 923 2235. |
Disclaimer The recommendations contained in this report represent the view of NCEPOD, which was arrived at after a careful consideration of the available evidence. Health professionals are expected to take it into account when exercising their clinical judgement. It does not, however, override their individual responsibility to make appropriate decisions in the circumstances of the individual patient, in consultation with the patient and/or guardian or carer. For print-friendly version of entire report click here |